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4. BRAUN-FALCO O, BURG G, SCHOEFINIUS HH (1971): Über die Wirkung von Dithranol (Cignolin®) bei Psoriasis vulgaris. Cyto- und histochemische Untersuchungen; Arch Derm Forsch 241: 217-236
5. BURG G (1976): Fermentcytochemische Befunde proliferationsfähiger Bindegewebszellen in der Haut unter besonderer Berücksichtigung von Lymphocyten, Monocyten, Makrophagen und Histiocyten; Hautarzt, Suppl. I: 310-311
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7. LONSDORF G, RING J, BURG G (1981) : Anaphylaktische Reaktionen nach Insektenstichen; Notfallmedizin 7: 409-415
8. BURG G, KERL H, KAUDEWITZ P, BRAUN-FALCO O, MASON DY (1984):Immunoenzymatic typing of lymphoplasmacytoid skin infiltrates; J Dermatol Surg Oncol 10:284-290
9. GEERTS ML, BURG G, SCHMOECKEL CH, BRAUN-FALCO O (1984) : Alkaline phosphatase activity in non-Hodgkin's lymphomas and pseudolymphomas of the skin; J Dermatol Surg Oncol 10:306-312
10. KAUDEWITZ P, BURG G, KLEPZIG K, MUNKER R, RIEBER P, BRAUN-FALCO O (1984) :Cells reactive with anti-T-cell monoclonal antibodies in malignant cutaneous B-cell lymphomas and pseudolymphomas; J Dermatol Surg Oncol 10:303-314
11. FÄH J, PAVLOVIC J, BURG G (1995);Expression of MxA Protein in Inflammatory Dermatoses; J Histochem Cytochem 43: 47-52
12. NESTLE FO, NICKOLOFF BJ, BURG G (1995); Dermatofibroma. An Abortive Immunoreactive Process Mediated by Dermal Dendritic Cells?; Dermatology 190: 265 – 268
13. Ojnino
14. BÖNI R, BURG G, DOGUOGLU A, ILG EC, SCHÄFER BW, MÜLLER B, HEIZMANN CW (1997); Immunohistochemical localization of the Ca2+ binding S100 proteins in normal human skin and melanocytic lesions; Br J Dermatol 137: 39 – 43
15. GERLINI G, HEFTI HP, KLEINHANS M, NICKOLOFF BJ, BURG G, NESTLE FO (2001); CD1d Expressed on Dermal Dendritic Cells and Monocyte-Derived Dendritic Cells; J Invest Dermatol 117: 576 – 582
16. UROSEVIC M, KURRER MO, KAMARASHEV J, MUELLER B, WEDER W, BURG G, STAHEL RA, DUMMR R, TROJAN A (2001); Short Communication; Human Leukocyte Antigen G Up-Regulation in Lung Cancer Associates with High-Grade Histology, Human Leukocyte Antigen Class I Loss and Interleukin-10 Production; Am J Pathol 159 (3): 817 – 824
17. Gerlini G., Hefti HP, Kleinhans M., Nickolof Brian J., Burg G., Nestle F.O. (2001); CD1d ist expressed on dermal dendritic cells and monocyte-derived dentritic cells; J Invest Dermatol 117:576-582, 2001
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19. UROSEVIC M, MAIER T, BENNINGHOFF B, SLADE H, BURG G, DUMMER R (2003); Mechanisms Underlying Imiquimod-Induced Regression of Basal Cell Carcinoma in Vivo; Arch Dermatol 2003: 139; 1325-1332
20. DUMMER R, UROSEVIC M, KEMPF W, HOEK K, HAFNER J, BURG G (2003); Imiquimod in basal cell carcinoma: how does it work?; British Journal of Dermatology 2003: 149 (Suppl 66); 57-58
21. UROSEVIC M, OBERHOLZER P.A., MAIER T, HAFNER J, LAINE E, SLADE H, BENNINGHOFF B, BURG G, DUMMER R (2004); Imiquimod Treatment Induces Expression of Opioid Growth Factor Receptor: A Novel Tumor Antigen Induced by Interferon-a?; Clinical Cancer Research 2004; 10: 4959 – 4970
22. GILLIET M., CONRAD C., GEIGES M., COZZIO A., THÜRLIMANN W., BURG G., NESTLE F., DUMMER R. (2004); Psoriasis Triggered by Toll-like Receptor 7 Agonist Imiquimod in the Presence of Dermal Plasmacytoid Dendritic Cell Precursors; Archives of Dermatology 2004:140:1490-1495
23. UROSEVIC M, DUMMER R, CONRAD C, BEYELER M, LAINE E, BURG G, GILLIET M (2005); Disease-Independent Skin Recruitment and Activation of Plasmacytoid Predendritic Cells Following Imiquimod Treatment; Journal of the National Cancer Institute, Vol. 97, No. 15, August 3, 2005; 1143-1153
24. NESTLE FO,CONRAD C, TUN-KYI A, HOMEY B, GOMBERT M,BOYMAN O, BURG G, LIU YJ, GILLIET M (2005); Plasmacytoid predendritic cells initiate psoriasis through interferon-alpha production; J Exp Med 202; 135-143
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33. LÜBBE J, NAKAZAWA H, BURG G (1997); Telomerase; Hautarzt 48: 615 – 621
34. BURG G (1998); Dermatologie 1997: Immunintervention auf dem Vormarsch; Schweiz Med Wochenschr 128: 18 – 20
35. BURG G (1979): Histochemistry and cytochemistry of striae distensae. In: G. Moretti, A. Rebora (eds.): Striae Distensae, S.23-30. Brocades spa Cologno Monzese (Milan) Italy
36. BURG G, VAN VLOTEN W (1983): Identification of cells in dermal infiltrates.. Proceedings of the XVIth International Congress of Dermatology, S 559-602. University of Tokyo Press
37. BURG G, KOHDA M, KAUDEWITZ P, DETMAR U, MASON DY (1984): Plasma cells accumulating around epidermal neoplasias.. Immunoenzymatic staining of paraffin sections. In: DM MacDonald (Hrg.): Immunodermatology DM MacDonald, S. 167-171. Butterworth London-Boston-Durban-Sydney-Toronto-Washington
125 Jahre Deutsche Dermatologische Gesellschaft (1889-2014)
Günter Burg (*5. Februar 1941 in Mayen/Eifel) ist Deutscher und Schweizer Staatsbürger und war von 1988 bis 1991 Direktor der Dermatologischen Universitätsklinik Würzburg und von 1991 bis zu seiner Emeritierung 2006 Direktor der Klinik für Dermatologie, Venerologie und Allergologie der Universität Zürich. Von 2000-2004 wae er Dekan der Medizinischen Fakultät Zürich. Er ist seit 1968 verheiratet mit Dr. Doris Burg, geb. Nicklas (Neurologin) und hat 2 Söhne, Andreas (*1975), Prof für Mikroelektronik, EPFL Lausanne und Thomas (*1977) Prof für Mikroelektronik, TU Darmstadt.
Günter Burg (*5. February 1941 in Mayen/Eifel) holds the German and the Swiss citizenship. From 1988 till 1991 he was Chairman of the Department of Dermatology and Venerology at the University of Würzburg/Germany and from 1991 till his retirement in 2006 Chairman of the Department of Dermatology, Venerology and Allergology at the University Hospital of Zürich/Switzerland. From 1998-2004 he served as Vice Dean and Dean respectively of the Medical Faculty of the University of Zürich. He is married since 1968 with Dr. Doris Burg-Nicklas (Neurologist). The 2 sons are Andreas (*1975), Prof for Microelectronics at the EPFL in Lausanne and Thomas (*1977), Prof for Microelectronics at the TU Darmstadt.
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