
1.     KERL H, BURG G, HASHIMOTO K (1983) : Fatal penicillin-induced, generalized, postinflammatory elastolysis (cutis laxa); Am J Dermatopathol 3:267-276

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4.     BURG G, LANDTHALER M (1988) : Proliferierender Tricholemmaltumor; Hautarzt 39: 117-119

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6.     SCHMOECKEL C, BURG G (1988): Congenital spiradenoma; Am J Dermatopathol 10:541-545

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10.   HAFNER J, HAENSELER E, OSSENT P, BURG G, PANIZZON RG (1995); Benzidine stain for the histochemical detection of hemoglobin in spinter hemorrhage (subungual hematoma) and black heel.; Am J Dermatopathol 17; 4: 362 – 367

11.   HÜRLIMANN AF, PANIZZON RG, BURG G (1996); Eruptive Vellus Hair Cyst and Steatocystoma multiplex: Hybride Cysts; Dermatology 1996: 192: 64 – 66

12.   GROB M, WYSS M, SPYCHER MA, DOMMANN ST, SCHINZEL A, BURG G TRÜEB RM (1998); Histopathologic and ultrastructural study of lupus-like skin lesions in a patient with Bloom syndrome; J Cutan Pathol 25: 275 – 279

13.   BURG G, KEMPF W, HÖCHLI M, HUWYLER T, PANIZZON RG (1998); "Tubular" epitheliod cell nevus: a new variant of Spitz's nevus; J Cutan Pathol 25: 475-478

14.   KEMPF W, HÄFFNER AC, MÜLLER B, PANIZZON RG, BURG G (1998); Experts and Gold Standards in Dermatopathology; J Am Dermatopathol 20 (5): 478 – 482

15.   FEIT J., KEMPF W., JEDLICKOVA H., BURG G. (2005); Hypertext atlas of dermatopathology with expert system for epithelial tumors of the skin; Journal of Cutaneous Pathology 2005:32:433-437

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17.   BURG G, VIELUF D, STOLZ W, LANDTHALER M, BRAUN-FALCO O (1989); Maligne atrophische Papulose (Morbus Köhlmeier-Degos); Hautarzt 40: 480-485

18.   ELDER DE, FREEMAN RG, BERGFELD WF, ACKERMANN AB, AZAR HA, FECHNER RE, CAPUTO R, METCALF JS, BORRONI G, BURG G, et al (1992?); Do you use the term “dysplasia”? If so, what do you mean by it, and if not, why not?; Am J Dermatopathol 14:462-486

19.   KEMPF W, DUMMER R, BURG G (1999); Approach to Lymphoproliferative Infiltrates of the Skin; Am J Clin Pathol 111 (Suppl. 1): 84 – 93

20.   BÖNI R; ZHUANG Z, BURG G, VORTMEYER A (1999); Die Mikrodissektion. Anwendung in der molekularen onkologischen Dermatologie; Hautarzt 50: 98 – 102

21.   KAZAKOV DV, BURG G, KEMPF W (2003); Primary cutaneous B-cell lymphomas and pseudolymphomas: review of histopathological features; Cesk Pathol 2003; 38: 147-54

22.   KERL H, CERRONI L, BURG G, CERIO R, GOLLNICK H, KUTZNER H, SANGUEZA O (2005); International Board Certifiaction in Dermatopathology. A Worldwide Effort to Raise Standards in Dermatopathology; Am J Dermatopathol, Vol. 27, No. 4, August 2005: P357

23.   BEYELER M, KEMPF W, HAFNER J, BURG G, DUMMER R (2004): The Spectrum of Mesenchymal Skin Neoplasms Reflected by the New WHO Classification. ONKOLOGIE 2004;27:401-406

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25.   BURG G, GEIGES M, KEMPF W, DUMMER R (2005): Haut und lymphatisches System. In: G. Plewig, P. Kaudewitz, C.A. Sander: Fortschritte der praktischen Dermatologie und Venerologie vol. 19. Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2005

26.   KERL H, CERIO R, BURG G, YAVUZER ANADOLU R, CHIMENTI S, FORSEA D (2005): Dermatopathology (Chapter 4.10). EDF White Book, Skin Diseases in Europe, 2nd Edition, ABW Wissenschaftsverlag, Editors: Peter Frisch/Walter Burgdorf, ISBN 3-936072-41-8